Donation Requests

Thank you for considering Portland Spirit Cruises & Events as part of your fundraising efforts. For more than 30 years, we have proudly supported our community. Portland Spirit donates an average of $175,000 per year to non-profits through corporate giving and in-kind donations. We cannot support all requests, but those that follow our guidelines will be considered.

To be eligible for contributions, organizations must comply with the following:

1. Qualify for non-profit status under the Internal Revenue Code.
2. Benefit the local community at large.
3. Submission must be received at least six weeks prior to the event.

We do not contribute to:

1. Funds for individuals and/or beauty pageant participants.
2. Projects of political nature (political campaigns or issues).
3. Class reunions.
4. Team or individual sponsorships or competitions.

Donations are made in the form of product vouchers. These vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash and will not be re-issued if lost or stolen.

Portland Spirit receives hundreds of requests on an annual basis. Since we are a relatively small local company, we are not able to fulfill every request. We review all requests monthly and respond approximately 60 days in advance of the event (we do not have a monthly donation allotment). The final decision rests with the Donation Committee. We limit donations to one per organization or cause per year. All donations, if awarded, will be mailed. Please ensure that a valid address is included with your request.

Please submit all requests using the form below. If you prefer to submit a request in writing, mail care of the following address. All written requests must also include a valid email address.

Portland Spirit
Attn: Donation Committee
110 SE Caruthers
Portland, OR 97214